Respect others' viewpoint:
For a society to prosper and for the formation of a civilized society we need to accept diversity and respect each other's point of view. When a child observes such an attitude in school he tries to practice this in his life after school as well. This leads to overall constructive society.
insult a child before others:
Many times teachers are unaware of the fact that their small actions could result in a huge impact on a child's mind. When a child gets insulted before his fellow students his self-esteem falls and he starts to hide himself. He gets frightened and lacks confidence which leads to poor academic progress and less involvement in extracurricular activities.
Be on time:
A child keenly observes everything, from the start till the end a child admires whatever his teacher does. The way she organizes her files, her writing, teaching methodology and the way she communicates is being observed carefully. Her early arrival in the classroom depicts respect for students, commitment to profession and excitement for a new day. By this, a student also learns time management and praises his teacher for being so smart.
Discuss something informative:
Besides textbook knowledge, there must be some engaging activity for students as well that would develop interest. A teacher must, therefore, indulge students in a 5 minutes informative session at the end of every class to give them updates on new things and share her think tank as well.
Always give remarks:
A student loves to receive appraises and good remarks from his teacher. This not only encourages a student to perform well but also make students respect their teachers. This also makes them appreciate others' work when they enter professional life.
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